Gen Live, Inc is a faith-based outreach organization to challenge and encourage young adult millennials to pursue our ultimate purpose-driven future.
Experiences shape us. Gen Live creates meaningful experiences--gateways. Through music, art, and thought-challenging presentations, Gen Live produces "Untamed" concert-style events and online interactions to present the Good News of hope in a clear and compelling way.
A millennial movement from captivity into freedom is underway.
Collaborating with local faith-based groups, Gen Live develops direct bridges from todays culture to a purpose-driven pursuit in life, through safe and healthy communities.
Millennials, young adults ages 18 to 35, are at a critical point in determining a future purpose for their lives. Tragically, many in the millennial generation are disoriented, disillusioned, and scrambling to make sense of life.
The targeting of meaningless messages and dehumanizing cultural ideals are enslaving our millennial generation into a dark and hopeless future. Caught in this cultural confusion and the struggle to survive, young adults are increasingly enticed into simply seeking a frenzy of self-gratification and self-destruction.
Like never before - this millennial generation is caged by identity crisis, limited resources, broken homes, economic decline, and resentment of authority, even resulting in violence, as they seek to discover truth, purpose, and the significance of life.
Much of the violence seen on the news today stems from the millennial generation. Evidence coincides with the drop in faith-affiliation and standards of moraliy.
As a nearly extinct breed within the Christian community, millennials are increasingly finding themselves left alone to navigate into an ever changing unknown fragil future.
According to the Pew Research Center, there has been a noticeable decline in belief in God, than in recent decades, with a drop in faith-affiliation, being particularly pronounced among young adults.
Through "Untamed" concert-style events and online interactions, Gen Live challenges and engages millennials to pursue freedom with a purpose-driven future through the hope-filled message of Jesus - discovering who they are, and the path to their future.
Encounter, engage, and encourage the young generation to pursue their greater purpose-driven future through Jesus Christ.
To see the millennial young generation become saved, spiritually alive, and culturally aware.
In accomplishing this purpose, vision, and mission, we believe to impact the young generation is to impact the world.
To be Untamed from the controlled works of darkness by adventuring into the freedom of Jesus.
To encounter the young generation with contempory means of communication, engage the young generation with the challenge to be untamed from the controlling works of darkness and adventure into the freedom of Jesus, and encourage the young generation through concert-style events, Biblical teaching, open sharing, and multi-media experiences.
About the Millennial Generation
Untamed is an outreach of Gen Live, Inc.
More than a band and concert, Untamed is a creative
and interactive gathering to explore and challenge millennials
to pursue their ultimate purpose-driven future – a true freedom only found in Jesus.
“Our goal is to challenge millennials to examine life’s big picture,” says Untamed founder Kara Aubrey Nelson.
Unified by a narrative of freedom, Untamed presents rock-opera style concerts, beginning with mainstream music to strategically culminate into the message of Jesus and a call to action.
Through music, art, and thought-challenging presentations, Gen Live produces "Untamed" concert-style events and online interactions to present the Good News of hope in a clear and compelling way.
Untamed stands for freedom – a millennial movement to be untamed from the world.
Untamed is a faith-based outreach of Gen Live, Inc., a 501c3 CA nonprofit organization founded by music artist and native Palm Desert resident Kara Aubrey Nelson—a millennial. While touring and writing a new song in Nashville named Untamed in 2007, Kara Aubrey’s vision for an untamed millennial movement was born.
As a visionary outreach organization, Untamed collaboratively engages with local Christian communities to see millennials freed to discover who they are, the path of their future.
We are caged into sin and death - tamed.
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
Jesus came to lead the way from captivity into true freedom - Untamed.
"Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it." Matthew 7:13